About Me

Let me introduce myself.

I am Runner, Library geek, Mother, Horse-woman and Yogi.

I'm a 40 something librarian, and a full time mom, who tries to fit in my workouts when I can. Sometimes that means I'm up at o'dark thirty, or it might mean I'm doing yoga at 11 pm.

Passions a-plenty. I'm a horse owner, and a barefoot trimmer, though I only work on my own horse. That's a work in progress. For a living, I am a cataloging geek  -- in other words, I am totally obsessive over library bibliographic records, and I get paid to be that way. If you're wondering about the funny title of my blog, you just need to know that it's cataloger speak, and it's something I do for a living. Other catalogers get it, trust me.

I am a doting mom to an 8 year old girl, a pretty cool kid if I do say so myself. We're unschoolers, meaning, she doesn't go to school and we live life day to day and learn as we go. It's a neat way to see the world.

Only a year ago did I discover my passion for running. I feel like I've been doing it forever, but no. I fell into it full force, and within the span of one year I have run a few 5k's, a 10k, three Half Marathons, and a 25k trail race. I cross train with yoga and weights, both activities that benefit my running, but as stand alone activities, they are pretty cool in their own right.

Follow me on my journey to become the best runner - no, the best person - I can be. I, too, am a work in progress.

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